Animations will make your evidence presentation effective and successful in the courtroom, mediation or settlement meeting.
Our animation also serves as an educational tool, as a source of images for interactive trial graphics, or as a companion to expert testimony at trial. Our animation clearly presents the most important facts to your audience.
Our samples demonstrate our expertise in presenting a variety styles. From technologically intricate medical animations to photorealistic models and accident re-creations, we create animations aimed at both engaging and persuading your audience.
Our animation services include the following:
- Models in motion, illustrating how a product works
- Scene re-enactments and events re-created
- Medical or device cross-sections
- 3-D illustrations to accurately depict detailed information
- Tutorial animations that educate your audience about a product or process. These are commonly created for pre-trial hearings such as Markman hearings.
We can also format any of these examples to be completely interactive in the courtroom. With a click of a mouse, you retain control over the information you want to present.